

 Dear Author,

We are glad to welcome to Lebda medical Journal (LebMed.j); It's taken us a some months to establish LebMed.j from the idea of a genius man. However, as an editor in chief of LebMed.j, I am very proud of the idea being a fact and live. I hope that my short editorial has a better chance of being read.

Why did we create this journal? the LebMed.j is a giant step to take out the frustration of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Elmergib, also LebMed.j is a good canal to create an applicable researchers in the medical field.

LebMed.j made a new soul in my colleagues that stop complains and works together to solve a problem that they could face.

What makes LebMed.j an attractive to the researchers? Our researchers always looking for the most experience scientists who are helpful and willing to give hands to achieve the maximum point they want to reach, we have scientist group who have a years of experience work over the seas in field of researches and reviewing the articles.

What areas LebMed.j interesting to publish in? LebMed.j is focusing of Pharmaceutical, medical, dentists and veterinary fields, beside all of those we are enthusiastic to see new researches linking those sciences delivered from LebMed.j.

We believe that rigorous research methodology is the key that can unravel the convoluted knot of interactions between medical science and subsequently solve the mystery.

Our goal is to attract and publish scientific investigations of medical science, including medical, pharmaceutical,

medicinal and dentistry sciences focusing on their limitations, their benefits, their consequences and their broader impact.

Why LebMed.j is Open Access journal? we believe that the easy to access the research and the availability of the research at any time the researcher need will facilitate to way of creating a new research topic and so deliver new researches.

We promise you to keep the journal and the researches which are delivered through in a star level as we started with.

We are trying not to say more about us because I believe that the work speaks for itself but not the tongue!!

All left to say is this: Please join us for our first issue!

Please consider LebMed.j for your next submission and feel free to ask us of whatever in your mind!

Last but not least, Check out our webpage to discover Lebda Medical Journal on http://www.elmergib.edu.ly/euj 


Best Regards,

Abdussalam A. Sughir


Lebda Medical Journal

Edited on 3 June 2015.


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How to Cite

Editorial. (2016). Lebda Medical Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from https://lebmedj.elmergib.edu.ly/index.php/LMJ/article/view/15



Lebda Medical Journal Vol. (1) 2015